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Magis Center Blog

Magis Center3 min read

Suicide in Catholicism

Suicide in Catholicism is often misunderstood. Here, Fr. Spitzer answers an EWTN viewer's personal question regarding a loved one's suicide.
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Magis Center7 min read

Why Do Good People Suffer?

A look at the story of Job and an answer to the commonly asked question, 'Why do good people suffer?'
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Lindsay Rudegeair9 min read

The Spiritual Meaning of Depression

Since a person is both body and soul, it is possible to have a spiritual meaning of depression as well as just a physical meaning.
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Maggie Ciskanik, M.S., MSc.5 min read

The Beam in Your Eye: Thinking Traps that Can Blind You

A discussion about thinking traps, how we can overcome them, and how they are a segue for us to become the best version of ourselves.
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Joel Fernandes2 min read

Overcoming Loneliness, Isolation, and Failed Relationships

Take a look at the numbers for marriages and divorces and then see how love is the answer to overcoming loneliness.
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Magis Center8 min read

Almsgiving: in the Bible, as Justice, and Everyday

Almsgiving is the act of giving our abundance to others—it is an act we should carry out daily and see as a means of justice.
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Magis Center7 min read

Why Does God Allow Evil in the World?

Why does god allow evil in the world? Here, we will flesh out one of the most common answers to this question, unpacking it point by point.
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Matthew A. Tsakanikas14 min read

A Catechesis for 'God Butchers': The Metaphysics of Time and Eternity

Author Matthew Tsakanikas discusses fighting the new atheism—'God Butchers'—in the wake of suffering, darkness, and pain.
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Magis Center1 min read

Angry with God? Here's Fr. Spitzer's Advice on How to Overcome Anger

In this clip from Fr. Spitzer’s Universe, a viewer asks Fr. Spitzer if it is okay to ever be angry with God.
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John Clark4 min read

What Friendship Has Taught Me about Redemptive Suffering

I can assist friends in attaining eternal life by uniting my suffering to the redemptive suffering of Christ—this is the mystery of redemptive suffering.
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Magis Center< 1 min read

Fr. Spitzer on Living Well with a Disability

In this clip from Father Spitzer's Universe, Fr. Spitzer addresses how he lives well with his own disability.
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John Clark5 min read

A Risk Worth Taking

Some risks are worth taking. Even more importantly, the risks that we decide to take—as well as those we decide not to take—serve to define who we are.
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