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Magis Center Blog

Maggie Ciskanik, M.S., MSc.6 min read

Four Levels of Happiness to the Rescue

Fr. Spitzer wrote a new book centered on the 4 Levels of Happiness, which Maggie Ciskanik argues is a much-needed guide to transcendent happiness.
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Tim Ryan7 min read

Happiness and Technology: Level 4 and Series Conclusion

Tim Ryan concludes the enlightening Happiness and Technology series with a close look at level 4 happiness, singularity, and complexity.
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Tim Ryan6 min read

Happiness and Technology: AI and God

Can level four happiness include AI and God? Tim Ryan examines the implications of our ever-growing technological landscape.
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Tim Ryan5 min read

Happiness and Technology: Level Three and Overcoming Ego

A look at Level 3 Happiness and a debate on whether technology can help us overcome ego to transcend Level 1 and Level 2 happiness.
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Tim Ryan5 min read

Happiness and Technology: Level Two and Being Better than Others

Continuing to examine happiness and technology, Tim Ryan discusses the ability to see oneself as fuel for a desire to be better than others.
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Maggie Ciskanik, M.S., MSc.4 min read

The Negative and Positive Effects of Religion

In history, faith has been intrinsic to the human experience, but what are religion's positive effects on happiness, civic engagement, and health?
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Bill Schmitt8 min read

We Seek Authenticity, But Be Careful Defining What’s Real

The 2023 Word of the Year—authenticity—holds timeless lessons on integrity, inspires conversation about truth, and encourages seeking God.
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Tim Ryan5 min read

Happiness and Technology: Level 1 and the Growth of Technology

Learn how the growth of technology can keep us in our Level 1 Happiness as we look at hunting/fishing and new machines.
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Tim Ryan5 min read

Happiness and Technology: A Series

An introduction to a new series that discusses Fr. Spitzer's 4 Levels of Happiness and Technology.
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Tim Ryan5 min read

Four Levels of Happiness and Lenten Examination of Conscience

Fr. Spitzer's Four Levels of Happiness are a great aid in our examination of consciousness. Learn how they apply to Lent here.
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Magis Center7 min read

What is Original Sin? The Interior and Exterior Consequences

What is orginal sin? These are both the interior and exterior consequences of original sin and how we can overcome them.
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Magis Center1 min read

How to Know What Career God Wants for You

Have you ever wondered how to know what career God wants for you? Fr. Spitzer answers that question in this video.
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