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John Clark

John Clark is a regular columnist for The National Catholic Register and has served as a speechwriter for candidates for the U. S. House, U. S. Senate, and President. He has written two books and approximately five hundred articles about Catholic family life and apologetics. His latest book is titled "Betrayed Without a Kiss: Defending Marriage After Years of Failed Leadership in the Church." John and his wife, Lisa, have nine children and live in central Florida.

Blog Post by John Clark

John Clark7 min read

Everything Hinges on the Tomb Door

If the Resurrection did actually happen, that event must be viewed as the most important event in human history. There’s really no middle ground here.
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John Clark4 min read

Pornography: A Frightful Rejection of the Human Face

In our own day and age, we might observe that pornography is winter; it chases sunshine from the human face. In fact, it chases away the human face itself.
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John Clark4 min read

What Friendship Has Taught Me about Redemptive Suffering

I can assist friends in attaining eternal life by uniting my suffering to the redemptive suffering of Christ—this is the mystery of redemptive suffering.
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John Clark4 min read

Searching for the Christmas Star and Finding the Magi

Every year at Christmas, when people read about the birth of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew, the speculation and debate about the Christmas star continues.
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John Clark5 min read

What Novels Can Teach Us About Evangelization

After years of producing apologetics, I recently learned something new about evangelizing others. It has to do with POV, or point-of-view.
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John Clark4 min read

Healing Post-Election America

Over the past 4 or 8 or 12 years, it’s worth wondering if we're becoming people who claim to love humanity, but fail to love and befriend actual persons.
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John Clark5 min read

Does God Care Whether I Exist?

It is an unfortunate and terrifying catechesis that presents God as a being whose happiness is indifferent to my existence.
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John Clark10 min read

4 Heroic Resisters to Nazism

As Nazism rose to power, millions resisted in different ways. Though most of the resisters never met, they formed a beautiful coalition of truth and love.
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John Clark8 min read

The Amazing Story of Maximilian Kolbe (and Why it Matters Now, More Than Ever)

In a world twisted with racism, hatred and religious persecution, the life—and death—of Maximilian Kolbe provides answers to those wishing to resist evil.
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John Clark5 min read

A Risk Worth Taking

Some risks are worth taking. Even more importantly, the risks that we decide to take—as well as those we decide not to take—serve to define who we are.
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John Clark7 min read

When a Society Abandons Truth

John Clark discusses the societal similarities of today to pre-war Germany: a breakdown of community and society, as well as, rejection of the common good.
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John Clark3 min read

The Metaphysics of JFK

Many people who leave the Catholic Church pride themselves on the use of reason. But on the level of reason, when did the metaphysics stop being true?
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