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Carol Lynn Miller

Blog Post by Carol Lynn Miller

Carol Lynn Miller2 min read

St. Pope John Paul II on Why We Need Both Faith and Reason

St. Pope John Paul II’s encyclical on faith and reason addresses the vitally important role of both faith and reason in the pursuit of Truth.
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Carol Lynn Miller3 min read

The 3 Levels of Conversion: Spiritual Conversion

Learning helpful instruction provides the fundamental core of what spiritual conversion is: love for Christ.
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Carol Lynn Miller3 min read

The 3 Levels of Conversion: Moral Conversion

Moral conversion focuses on the consistent practice of the higher self’s triumph over the lower self. Learn more here!
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Carol Lynn Miller3 min read

The 3 Levels of Conversion: Intellectual Conversion

A concrete aspect of Intellectual conversion is the gathering of external evidence—based on the objective order of reason—for God, Jesus, and the soul.
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Carol Lynn Miller6 min read

5 Saint John Paul II Quotes That Will Inspire You This Lent

Read these are five quotes from the Lenten messages of St. John Paul that can help encourage and strengthen your personal Lenten journey.
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Carol Lynn Miller4 min read

The One and the Many: How to Find Unity in Diversity

For Pentecost, Pope Francis and Bishop Baron talked about unity in diversity. In the Politics, Aristotle presents a political theory with a similar theme.
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Carol Lynn Miller3 min read

Advent as the Beginning of the Quest

C.S. Lewis tells us the Quest began during Advent because, in our story, Christ is the heroic protagonist who came to destroy evil and save humanity.
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Carol Lynn Miller3 min read

Meet Lou Tice, Founder of the Pacific Institute and Creator of 'Smart-Talk'

In 1971, Lou Tice founded The Pacific Institute, that helps people, organizations, and companies achieve the fullness of their potential.
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Carol Lynn Miller3 min read

How the Resurrected Jesus Reveals Himself to Us

Fr. Spitzer discusses two Resurrection narratives and how each illustrate different ways Jesus reveals Himself, even to us today.
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Carol Lynn Miller4 min read

Fulton Sheen’s Last ‘Good Friday’ Homily: Spectators On and About the Cross

The topic of Bishop Sheen’s homily was “Spectators on and about the Cross:” the spectators of the indifferent or fallen away, of pain, and of love.
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Carol Lynn Miller3 min read

We Are Not Just Products of Our Circumstances: Albert Bandura’s Life Path

Do you have influence on the direction your life? According to psychologist, Albert Bandura—and his theory on Human Agency—you sure do.
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Carol Lynn Miller3 min read

What C.S. Lewis Can Teach Us About the Incarnation

What C.S. Lewis Can Teach us about the Incarnation
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