Bill Schmitt is a journalist, educator, and marketing communications specialist who has been an adjunct professor of English and media at several schools, most recently Holy Cross College in Notre Dame, IN. He served on the communications staff of the University of Notre Dame from 2003 to 2017, managing many projects and joining in a wide range of multimedia, interdisciplinary collaborations. Since then, his freelance work has included feature-writing, editing, podcasting, and blogging, with much of his work centered on the Catholic faith. Bill holds a BA from Fordham University and an MPA from the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs. Find his work at billschmitt.substack.com, OnWord.net, and billschmitt-onword on Linked-In.
Blog Post by Bill Schmitt
Bill Schmitt11 min read
Between the Lines, Young Writers Reveal Hope
Ultimate happiness and culture-healing result from teaching skills that allow students to use meaningful communication and push conversations forward.
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Bill Schmitt7 min read
Jordan Peterson Returns, and We See Ourselves
I feel duty-bound to bring the good news that a spiritually enriching drama is now playing on You Tube: the return of Jordan B. Peterson, Ph.D.
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Bill Schmitt5 min read
Happiness and the Jordan Peterson Factor
Jordan Peterson’s desire for self-empowering disciplines to replace sloppy secularism can launch us beyond ego comparison—where so many people are trapped.
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Bill Schmitt4 min read
What Are You ‘Shopping' For this Christmas Season?
The Christmas season, brings the fulfillment of our deepest needs and desires, tied to our human destiny and truly what all of us are “shopping” for.
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Bill Schmitt4 min read
An Elevator for Levels of Happiness: More to Say than Small Talk
Today’s culture appreciates minor chit-chat in elevators—without fully embracing the call to raise society’s real happiness to higher levels.
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