Magis Women is is an organization that seeks to break through the vast amounts of influences on female identity in today’s culture. They offer programs that are designed to bring women closer to God and to help teach women how to lead purposeful life.
Magis Women retreats are known for leaving heavy impacts on the women who attend. Women come together for a weekend to be transferred through God’s love.
As Catholic Christian women walking in the world, we often encounter trials of all shapes and sizes. As women walking in the WORD, we persevere with hope. Remembering that God’s mercies are new every morning, we are invited to begin again, and again.
Using scripture as our roadmap and story as our inspiration, this refreshing retreat will invite you to encounter the Living Christ through prayer, sacrament, and loving fellowship. Join our special group of like-minded women and experience the God of new beginnings as we move together from the darkness of this world’s trials Into the Marvelous Light of God’s Love and Goodness. —Magis Women
Magis Women's 2022 Fall Retreats will be in two locations this year!
September 23-25, 2022 at the Jesuit Retreat Center of Los Altos, CA: located on beautiful acreage on hillside land, this retreat features only private rooms with amazing food. Registration is $375.00/person.
October 14-16, 2022 at the Franciscan Renewal Center in Scottsdale, AZ: located in a community that seeks to follow in the footsteps of Saints Francis and Clare of Assisi, this retreat features both private and shared rooms with a delicious menu. Registration is 350.00/person for a double occupancy room or $445.00 for a private room.
At both locations: all retreat materials and six meals will be provided. Additionally, there will be an opportunity for reconciliation, Mass, quiet reflection time, and more! Both retreats will begin with a dinner Friday evening and conclude at 2 PM on Sunday.
Magis Women hope to see you there!
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Living with Happiness and Purpose: Maggie Ciskanik dives into the discussion of how to live a life with happiness and purpose through the lens of psychology.