Between the Lines, Young Writers Reveal Hope
Ultimate happiness and culture-healing result from teaching skills that allow students to use meaningful communication and push conversations forward.
Jordan Peterson Returns, and We See Ourselves
I feel duty-bound to bring the good news that a spiritually enriching drama is now playing on You Tube: the return of Jordan B. Peterson, Ph.D.
Made in His Image: the Social Synapse and the Neurobiology of Connection
The data is in: we are hardwired for connection and social interactions. Not a surprise—for God is a community of love, and we are made in His image.
New Insights on the Rise of the ‘Nones’
The United States is increasing in “Nones,” i.e, those who claim no religious affiliation. But who are the Nones, and what compels them to leave the Church?
Happiness and the Jordan Peterson Factor
Jordan Peterson’s desire for self-empowering disciplines to replace sloppy secularism can launch us beyond ego comparison—where so many people are trapped.
Success and Happiness: Are They the Same?
Discover why our culture is so obsessed with success and power and learn if Level 2 happiness and worldly success can lead to true happiness.
[Video] What is Happiness? Here's a Basic Overview
Discover why happiness is the driving force behind every decision you make in this clip taken from the Magis Center's "Happiness, The Series."
Coping and Thriving in the Covid-19 Crisis
With social distancing and self-quarantines, it's challenging not to succumb to depression and a sense of helplessness. Everett Worthington points to hope.
How Wonderful is Wonder?
It must be hard to live a life of metaphysical certitude about everything. Certainty leaves no room for wonder. And that’s sad. Because wonder is wonderful.
Advent Season: A Time for Choices, Change, and Even Happiness
As the Advent season begins, it might seem odd to mention happiness. Aren’t we supposed to focus on being holy rather than being happy?
Why Do People Believe in God?
Atheists, such as Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris, say God is a “fiction” created by humans. However people continue to believe in God. Why is this?
An Elevator for Levels of Happiness: More to Say than Small Talk
Today’s culture appreciates minor chit-chat in elevators—without fully embracing the call to raise society’s real happiness to higher levels.