This Giving Tuesday, we are gifted the opportunity of gratitude and reflection, and here at the Magis Center, we have plenty of accomplishments to reflect on. This year, we continued to further our mission to keep faith in our culture through contemporary, rational, and science-based evidence by providing resources to parents, teachers, catechists, clergy, and the curious.
The Magis Center is also tackling the challenge of reestablishing credibility in the Church’s moral teaching through programs and materials using secular studies demonstrating that Catholic morality increases emotional, spiritual, relational, and marital health while significantly reducing depression, anxiety, substance abuse, suicidal contemplation, and suicides.
Since last Giving Tuesday, Magis has:
- Created a one-semester course called: The Catholic Faith and Science. This powerful course helps 50% of our students considering to abandon their beliefs to maintain and defend their faith. This curriculum is now being taught in over 100 schools.
- Developed and published our new moral apologetics program for seniors in high school called: Challenges of the Modern World: A Catholic Response. It promises to restore credibility in the Catholic Church’s moral teachings.
- Produced materials and programs in faith and science for three other audiences: parish adult audiences, seminarians, and youth ministry/confirmation retreats. We have beta-tested these new programs and are in the process of disseminating them throughout the United States.
- Continued to provide free resources to the faithful and curious through our ever-growing Magis Center Blog.
- I have also been busy publishing 2 new books: Science at the Doorstep to God: Science and Reason in Support of God, the Soul, and Life After Death and Science, Reason, and Faith: Discovering the Bible (available soon in the Magis Store).
Our team at Magis is so proud of all our efforts and will continue to further our mission in the coming year. With your generosity, the mission will:
- Successfully have the Catholic Faith and Science program adopted at over 200 schools.
- Continue to develop resources for parish adult audiences, seminarians, and youth ministry/confirmation retreats.
- I will release 3 new books: Science at the Doorstep to Christ: Scientific Evidence in Support of Jesus, The Eucharist, and the Blessed Virgin, The Science of Happiness, and The Science, Reason, and Faith Study Bible for the RSVCE Edition.
- Grow mission-based conversations through social media and online communities.
- Continue to provide free modules (learning resources) on faith and science for high school and middle school classes.
- Expand with my radio and television blitzes (including EWTN’s Father Spitzer’s Universe).
I would like to express my utmost gratitude for allowing Magis Center resources to be easily accessible. To continue the mission expansion of new programs for all audiences, especially young people, please consider giving a Giving Tuesday gift.
Please be assured of our prayers for you every single day at Mass,
Fr. Robert J. Spitzer, S.J., Ph.D., and staff of the Magis Center of Reason and Faith