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Thomas Croteau S.J.Mar 19, 2024 12:00:00 AM1 min read

19 March 2024

Solemnity of Saint Joseph, husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Church celebrates Saint Joseph for his place in the noble line of David, for being obedient to the angels whom God sent, for caring for the child Jesus, etc. However, today, the Church honors Saint Joseph under the particular title of husband. What kind of husband was Joseph to Mary? The Gospels reveal key aspects of this spouse of the Blessed Virgin. He prayed, and his relationship of obedience to God in prayer was the basis of his marriage to Mary. The angel says not to be afraid, and Joseph courageously listens. He was supportive of Mary’s charity. When she was moved to travel into the hills to help her pregnant cousin, Joseph went for the journey to meet the needs of this woman who sought to meet the needs of others. He protected his wife and family. When Herod sought the life of the infant Jesus, Joseph faced the hardships of moving the whole family to a new country for their safety. He followed God’s law. When it was time to offer sacrifices or to celebrate feasts, Joseph made sure that his wife and the child Jesus could come to the Temple to fulfill the law.

In a culture that often mourns the loss of good husbands, it is of particular importance to look to Saint Joseph and to contemplate in this man the husband that God chose for Mary. Let us pray for all husbands that they may imitate the prayer, the support, the courage, the devotion of this saint who so powerfully continues to support the whole Church by his intercession. Saint Joseph, husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary, pray for us!