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Should Scientists Ask Philosophical Questions? [VIDEO]

Written by Purposeful Universe | October 19, 2022

Can Science Answer Philosophical Questions?  

As humans, we’re naturally curious, and often drawn to wonder about the meaning behind what we see. We have big questions like “Why are we here?” and “Is there purpose in my life?” These are the kind of questions that require different perspectives — scientific, philosophical and theological.

Science Helps Inform Philosophical and Theological Questions 

Having an accurate understanding of the nature of the universe helps us thoughtfully answer philosophical and theological questions. For example, understanding how and when humans evolved can provide insight to questions like “What are humans?” and “Why are we here?” Perhaps asking such philosophical questions can also develop an understanding of where we are as a species.  

The Limits of Science

While there is no limit to what we can learn and discover scientifically, it’s important to understand that science alone cannot answer a question like “What is the purpose of our lives?” Science is limited to the observable and measurable universe, and to attempt to draw conclusions beyond what science can accurately discover leads to confusion. Watch Dr. Dan Kuebler’s thoughtful response about the value of multiple perspectives when considering the big questions in life