Big Bang Theory Evidence
Free Short Video Series about Evidence for the Big Bang
What Evidence Supports the Big Bang Theory?
What is the Big Bang theory really? It might be accepted as the standard model to explain the origins of the universe, but what evidence is actually behind this theory? Join us in exploring the evidence behind one of the world’s most renowned scientific theories! To gain instant access to answers to these thought-provoking questions and much more, sign up for Purposeful Universe emails.
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Big Bang Theory Evidence Part One
Our first video delves into the origins of the Big Bang Theory and the implications behind it. Additionally, you learn about who first proposed the theory and 3 key pieces of evidence which are not widely known!

Big Bang Theory Evidence Part Two
Part two explores how the original model of the Big Bang Theory challenged the Steady State Model of the Universe which preceded it. The video also explains the little known fact that the new discoveries of Big Bang Theory were discovered by accident!

Big Bang Theory Evidence Part Three
Why is the Big Bang Theory considered the standard model for explaining creation? Does our universe even have a beginning? Watch part three to learn more about the key pieces of evidence used to justify this scientific titan of a theory!